Brandon Aubrey's 66-Yard Field Goal Sets Preseason Record

As the NFL preseason often flies under the radar, it rarely delivers the high-stakes drama that fans crave. Yet, every once in a while, a preseason moment occurs that demands attention. Such was the case during the Dallas Cowboys' 27-12 victory over the Las Vegas Raiders, where kicker Brandon Aubrey smashed a 66-yard field goal, setting a new standard for extraordinary preseason performances.

This exceptional kick not only etched Aubrey's name into preseason lore but also tied the NFL’s overall record set by Justin Tucker in 2021. Unlike Aubrey's preseason feat, Tucker's record-setting kick came during a high-pressure situation, sealing a dramatic 19-17 win for the Baltimore Ravens over the Detroit Lions. While preseason stats don't find a place in the NFL's official record book, Aubrey’s jaw-dropping kick proved that the Dallas Cowboys might have found a kicker capable of game-changing moments as the regular season approaches.

Aubrey's field goal tied the longest in NFL history but also nudged Ola Kimrin's 65-yard preseason record out of the spotlight. Kimrin set his preseason milestone in 2002 while part of the Denver Broncos’ training camp. Despite his astounding achievement, Kimrin's regular-season career was brief, featuring only five games with Washington in 2004 and a career field goal success rate of just 60%, which included a miss from beyond 50 yards.

Field goals from 60 yards or more are no trivial matter in the NFL. As of the latest statistics, there have been only 29 successful field goals from 60 yards or more in regular-season play between 2003 and 2023. Aubrey’s 66-yarder may have occurred in the lower-stakes environment of a preseason game, but it's a remarkable feat nonetheless.

According to NFL's Next Gen Stats, Aubrey’s impressive kick would have been good from 72 yards, underscoring his exceptional range and consistency. "Aubrey himself has confidently noted that he has successfully kicked from as far back as 70 yards in practice," highlighting even greater potential for future high-pressure scenarios in regular-season play. Given that only Tucker and Aubrey have managed field goals longer than Kimrin's 65-yarder, the significance of this preseason performance cannot be understated.

With the preseason winding down, the excitement builds as teams make their final preparations for the regular season. While preseason games are often seen as mere warm-ups, they sometimes reveal extraordinary talents or set impressive records that hint at what's to come. Aubrey’s 66-yard field goal could very well be a precursor to a memorable season for the Cowboys and their fans, demonstrating that they might have a kicker ready to deliver in clutch moments.

As the Cowboys head into the regular season, they now possess a unique asset in Brandon Aubrey— a kicker with demonstrated long-range capability and the confidence to perform under varying levels of pressure. This newfound dimension could prove pivotal for game-changing moments, further underlining the unexpected but valuable insights derived from preseason play.