Lamar Jackson's Journey: Battling Illness and Achieving Excellence in the NFL

In the seven seasons since Lamar Jackson joined the NFL, his athletic prowess and resilience have often been tested—not just on the field, but by his frequent bouts with illness. Since being drafted by the Baltimore Ravens in 2018, Jackson has missed at least one practice each season due to non-COVID-related illnesses, totaling 12 practices over these years.

The rigors of the NFL are challenging enough, but Jackson's health concerns add another layer of complexity to his career. This year's training camp was no exception, with Jackson missing four practices during the first week. The toll of his ailments has been an ongoing issue, one that even predates his official NFL debut.

Just days before his first career start in 2018, Jackson was hospitalized for severe stomach pains. Despite this setback, he led the Ravens to a dramatic 24-21 victory over the Cincinnati Bengals, showcasing his grit and determination. Notably, Jackson rushed for 100 yards in that game, becoming the first quarterback in the Super Bowl era to achieve such a feat in their first start.

Reflecting on his college days, Jackson remarked, "Man, I'll be thinking that sometimes because, at Louisville, I never got sick. I never was sick, but it comes and goes."

Head Coach John Harbaugh has always shown confidence in Jackson's ability to bounce back. "Lamar gets tested... all of our guys get tested thoroughly, especially when you're sick. So, they look at every possibility," Harbaugh stated. The organization's approach underscores their commitment to the health and performance of their star quarterback.

Illnesses have certainly been a recurring theme for Jackson. In 2021, he missed three practices, while he missed one practice each in 2019, 2020, 2022, and 2023. These absences haven't deterred Jackson from consistently delivering standout performances. He has been named NFL MVP twice within his first six seasons, a testament to his remarkable talent and perseverance.

Health issues, however, are not something a player can easily predict or control. "You really never know when the bug hits you, but I got hit with a bug. I'm good now," Jackson said, reflecting on one of his many recoveries.

Jackson's focus remains unwavering despite these challenges. "It's been the first checkbox for me since 2018. I said that April 26th, whenever I was drafted, I said that, and I meant that. That's the highest level of this game we play. So, you got to go out a champion. That's what I want to be labeled as a champion—not just MVP here and there. I want to be a champion," Jackson asserted. His ambition and drive to achieve the pinnacle of football success remain clear.

Whether it's leading his team to crucial victories or managing his health, Jackson's journey is characterized by resilience and determination. His story is not merely about overcoming illnesses but about the relentless pursuit of excellence and the enduring quest to be the best—both on and off the field.